Thursday, 26 April 2012

Revision questions used today - Thurs 26th

Here is the question on eyewitness testimony (containing lots of RM).
The two questions on memory improvement strategies are here.
Do keep handing in questions attempted for me to mark and give feedback. 

Friday, 6 April 2012

Individual differences in independent behaviour, Social Change and REVISION

In addition to situational explanations for independent behaviour (that is, factors in the situation which encourage people to do what they think is right, rather than conforming or obeying) you need to know personality factors which explain why some people disobey while most obey.
09 Individual Differences in Independent Behaviour 2012

You need to be able to apply findings from social psychology research to changes in society e.g. the smoking ban, gay marriage, votes for women - minority influence is the most useful idea here, but it's useful to have some other ideas at the ready.
10 Social Change 2010

We will be revising Social Psychology in the first week back, Abnormality in the second and Stress in the third, leaving the fourth week for a Unit 2 mock paper and its analysis. As for Mrs Watson's lessons, your task is to come to these with the topics fully revised - we will be using the lessons for exam practice rather than reviewing content.