Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Freud - theory of personality and its evaluation

We spent a lesson on Tuesday looking at Freud's rather complicated theory of the development of personality through stages of psychosexual development during childhood. You should have notes in the format set out below, including the key terms and concepts given, by next lesson on Tuesday. If you've already got this clearly in your holiday work on Freud you don't need to duplicate it, but you do need to know it! Here is the presentation used in the lesson.

Definitions: personality / psychodynamic

Tripartite personality:
Define id / ego / superego
Define conscious / subconscious

Psychosexual development:
List stages / outline Oedipus complex and penis envy / outline concepts of fixation and regression

Defence Mechanisms:
Explain concept / give examples including denial and repression

We spend the second lesson looking at evidence we can use to evaluate Freud's theory - you can download the cards we used here. For next Tuesday you need to choose some of these ideas to write an evaluation of Freud's theory. This should include an explanation of both positive and negative criticisms, leading to a conclusion of your own - 1/2 to 2/3 of a side if you're handwriting is enough, but it needs to be carefully and clearly written.

My evaluation of Freud's theory in one sentence: "Many of the details of Freud's theory are not scientifically testable and therefore not trustworthy, but some big ideas like the unconscious are very valuable, and it 'opened the door' to other psychological explanations of personality, behaviour and abnormality."

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