Friday, 7 December 2012

Evolutionary theories of relationships

For Wednesday 12th - bring your gender mind map and prepare for a gender research quiztest.

Prepare for a test on 'Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour' on Thursday 13th:
Here is the presentation on Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour.

Write a homework essay for Wednesday 19th:
'Discuss theories relating to parental investment' 8 + 16 marks
Here is the presentation on PIT and Sexual Strategies Theory

For your research task for Wednesday 19th (completed) and Thursday 13th (data gathered):
  • Alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis
  • Theories / studies for your introduction
  • Research method / design
  • Outline of procedure
  • Table for results
  • Statistical test (with justification)
  • Level of significance
Kona, Sam, Prince, Rosjen, Charlie - youthfulness is more important to men when choosing a mate than it is to women.
Ellen, Hannah, Shalina, Naveed - Resources (wealth) are more important to women when choosing a mate than for men.
Michail, Anna, Mehnald, Sofina, Mehnnaz - Men would prefer to have more sexual partners over a given period of time than women.
Rina, Ella, George, Max - men would prefer to have sex earlier in a relationship than women.

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